Sunday, August 21, 2011


An old friend once had their Myspace (yeah, THAT old) who I'd like to meet say "I've already met everyone I need to know"
Or something like that.
Young and optimistic, I thought- How can someone feel that way? There are SO many great people to know!
Yes, and so many douchy assholes. I hate people.
I do. Honestly, when did people decide that you had to be a particular way, and if you aren't, you're singled out?
My Grandpa, he's a bit odd. Sometimes he posts odd things on my statuses that don't even relate, but he's a good guy. Know what I do, I @ him a :) or something.
He is who he is, and he means well and wants to connect. We are so far away. Some people just get so... douchy.

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